Showing posts with label petal paste lily. Show all posts
Showing posts with label petal paste lily. Show all posts

Friday, 25 November 2011

Day 9, 10 and 11 - Intensive PME Diploma - Sugar Flowers

So I thought I would blog about the last few days of the intensive PME course together as it was just all about making flowers.

Here are some pictures of the individual flowers I made.  All the flowers made were for a spray that we put together on the last day of the intensive course.

I don't really know much about flowers- and I cant remember what this flower was called- if you know - let me know!

This lovely stalk of flowers above is called the lily of the valley

The above picture are my lily petals after dusting - it is amazing how the colour is absorbed into the petal paste!

My yellow rose is something that I was really pleased with

Above is my lily once assembled :)

Tony, the tutor's lilly- lovely colours!

On the last day Tony showed us how to put together bunches of the flowers that we had made earlier on in the week together.

Tony showing his finished spray above.

My finished rose!- Love this!!

My finished spray :)

All the finished sprays together

Our fabulous teacher Tony Warren.

Everyone in my class with their master's diploma that we were all awarded with.